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My lucky day was the day I learned about the potential of online business.

In 1993, I installed AOL on my father’s older than me computer. The free service cost him a little over $300.
School of Hard Knocks my dad used to tell me. Before he passed away from being a member of the army during a war, he would joke about that $300 bill and then take credit for all the Internet Business that has blessed my life since.
I was literally starving myself when I started selling websites, in 1995, My weight fell to under 160lbs. My fighting weight is 188lbs. Yes I was hungry!
I ran unregistered candy machines to buy groceries for my family. As I visited each candy machine I would explain to store owners what a .com is. Most had no idea or said it was just a fad. LOL!
Since then I have build over a thousand websites. I started by typing them into notepad or HotDog!
Many of my clients from 1995 -96-97 etc are still clients/ friends today. launched in 1997 and is still going strong today! It is my automated site for those DIY people and the people with no concept of budgets.

The main goal of my business has always been to help my clients meet their goals.

My Uncles and cousins and even my step father laughed at me one summer, when I started working with my Grandfather in the watermelon field. They all laughed and said Grandpa tried to con them into working for him for free too, but they were too smart.
LOL! The laugh was on them.
I helped Grandpa plant over 20 acres of watermelon by hand. Yes, I crawled from one hole to the next and hand planted watermelon seeds. We did use equipment to manage the dirt and dig the small areas for the seeds. Either automated planting watermelon was not available or Grandpa had me instead.
What I was given in return was the opportunity of a lifetime. Once we were done, Grandpa let me plant 1 acre of cantaloupe. That is correct, my payment was to go do more work.
Thus all the laughing from Uncles and Cousins.
That summer I made several thousand dollars, sitting in front of the bank in a 1951 Ford truck selling cantaloupe. Looking back. I should have asked Grandpa for some watermelons, too! DOH!

I was 13!


Your Lucky Day!

On a rare occasion you meet someone that will go out of their way to do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done. Allow me to prove that I am still that 13 year old boy. Give me some seeds and I will plant them. Then we can both go sit in front of the bank and laugh at my Uncles and Cousins, They have “REAL Jobs!”


What I am attempting to share with you is that I am a very hard worker, dedicated to my clients projects and goals. I, like you, am financially motivated. I make my living by helping other people make their living.
If you want to increase your income/bottom line, then schedule a meeting with one of our team members or me.
We are not cheap!
We are affordable compared to the income potential we bring to the table.
